Fiona Shakeela Burns
Fiona Shakeela Burns



Fiona is a Natural Health Consultant who practises in Bristol, offering Zoom, telephone and face-to-face consultations. Passionate about life, Fiona delights in supporting people to connect to their natural vitality, healing- potential and joy.

 She combines her strong intuition with a scientific understanding of the physiology of the body and chemistry of the herbs that she both grows and sources from trusted suppliers. EFT (or Tapping), Matrix Reimprinting and PSYCH-K all enable Fiona to support her clients to understand and clear the emotional root causes of disease.
PSYCH-K provides a fantastic tool for re-writing any limiting beliefs that may be unconsciously in the way of health and wellbeing.

Whether you have a specific health concern or are simply aware that you are not fully living the life that you would like to be living, Fiona will do her best to help you to identify your goals and clear whatever is in the way of  achieving them. 

Fiona has a particular interest in health and transformation, having herself recovered twice from diseases deemed terminal by her doctors, both as a child and as an adult.


Fiona is fully insured and practices according to strict codes of ethics set by NIMH. She has worked in health and healing for over thirty years – starting out as a nurse and then completing a four year degree in Herbal medicine in her early twenties. She later added Craniosacral therapy to her skills, studying with the CTET and gained extensive experience by working at ‘Women and Health’ charity Camden and ‘The Healthy Living Centre’ in Islington for four years. 

Her practice is in Westbury-on-Trym Bristol, where she treats a wide range of conditions using Herbal Medicine, Psych-k™ Craniosacral therapy and EFT/Matrix Reimprinting

Fiona did a teaching qualification in her thirties and has taught many courses in Herbal medicine, both to adults and children.

She runs Potions Classes for children, as well as Fairy Potions Workshops for tots.

Fiona strongly believes in health empowerment through education and that is the ethos of her practice.