Whether you have a specific health concern, or just a feeling of being under the weather, herbs can help you. Herbs provide the body with medicine in a form that can be easily recognised, absorbed and utilised by the body. 

Fiona strives to use only the freshest, highest quality, organic herbs, some of which she grows and processes herself – others, which she obtains from trusted suppliers.
Unlike the majority of herbalists Fiona immediately decants her purchased tinctures into glass bottles to avoid plastic contamination. For postage purposes, she sends tinctures to her patients in high-grade plastic bottles.

Babies and children respond very well to herbs and discounted rates apply. Herbal Medicine is the oldest form of medicine in the world.

Herbs help to correct body physiology by supporting specific organs and structures in the body, then once these particular parts of the body are functioning properly again and balance is restored in the system, the herbs can be gently withdrawn.

A brief history of Herbal Medicine

Herbal Medicine is the oldest form of medicine on the planet and was at one time the dominant healing therapy throughout all cultures and people worldwide.

The first examples of medicines date back to the very dawn of mankind. Archaeologists have found evidence of the use of herbs by Neanderthal man in Iraq some sixty thousand years ago. All of the ancient civilisations – The Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Greek, Chinese, Indian and Roman used herbs as an integral part of their various medical systems. The first famous herbalist who stressed the importance of nature in healing, was Hippocrates, known as the ‘Father of Medicine’. 

Herbal Medicine Consultations

What Happens during the first consultation?

Prior to your initial consultation, you will have been sent a ‘New Patient Form’, which you will fill in and return with any relevant medical reports to Fiona.
The first consultation is 90 minutes if done on Zoom, or 2 hours if in person, during this time a full case history is taken:
You will be asked lots of questions to do with all of your body systems.

The following are examples of the types of questions you may be asked:

  • Are there are any foods which do not agree with you?
  • How much exercise you take?
  • Do you get headaches?
  • How you sleep?
  • Whether you suffer from allergies?
  • About drugs and supplements you are taking?
    How is your digestion?

The aim of the consultation is to build a comprehensive picture of your health, so that relationships between various bodily systems can be clearly seen. Usually you will be examined and your blood pressure will be taken and ph test of saliva is carried out.

Once the whole picture is clear, a suitable strategy will be worked out in order to help you to return to health as quickly as possible.

You will then be prescribed a combination of herbs which will be individually selected especially for you. It has been proven that combinations of herbs are more effective than using just one herb on it’s own. Any relevant life-style and dietary advice will also be given.

Medical Herbalists are trained to combine herbs in the most effective combinations for specific health problems and constitutions.

Costs: Fiona charges an hourly rate of £155, herbs are extra and come to between £11 and £20 per week, depending on what you need.

Children will need less time and will therefore be cheaper – please contact Fiona to discuss this.

Herbal Medicine FAQ

What is Herbal Medicine?

Herbal Medicine is the system of medicine, which uses plants in their whole and natural state to treat illness. The remedies come in various forms and include teas, tinctures, tablets, powders, juices, waters, oils, creams and poultices, which are taken either internally or applied to the body externally as appropriate.

How does Herbal Medicine work?

Herbal Medicine addresses the underlying physiological imbalances in the body which are causing the symptoms.When there is disease (dis-ease) present in the body, herbs can help by supporting the bodily systems which are struggling. For example, a skin rash may be due to an over burdened liver.

A remedy which helps the liver to be more efficient, such as Milk thistle may be prescribed, thereby addressing the underlying cause of the skin rash.

In this way, the skin rash will then clear of it’s own accord.

Once the herbs have done their job of bringing the body back to a state of balance, the herbs can be discontinued.

What can Herbal Medicine Successfully help with?

  • Alergies
  • Anxiety
  • Cystitis
  • PMT and other hormone imbalances
  • Menopause
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Stress
  • Headaches (including Migraine)
  • Immunity issues

  • Bronchitis
  • High blood pressure
  • Asthma
  • Thyroid problems
  • Heartburn
  • Fluid retention
  • ‘Serious disease’
  • Auto-immune conditions
  • Diabetes
  • Chrones
  • Ulcerative colitis
  • PCOD
  • And more….

How long do Medical Herbalists train for?

It takes four years to train as a Medical Herbalist. There are various universities where you can study Herbal Medicine – leading to a BSc in Herbal Medicine.

As well as studying anatomy, physiology, botany, pathology, microbiology, histology, materia medica, diagnostic techniques, and pharmacognosy, the training also involves 500 clinical hours, during which time, students have the chance to see patients under supervised conditions.

2 science A Levels are required in order to take the degree.

In what form will I take the herbs?

The most common way for herbs to be prescribed is in tincture form. These come as alcoholic extracts in a brown liquid form. As many as 14 herbs may be prescribed in one mixture, though on the whole you will have less than this – usually somewhere between 4 and 8. The standard dose for tinctures is 5mls 3 x daily. You may also be prescribed teas and sometimes capsules and/ or powders or oils and ointments.

What happens in follow-up consultations?

Follow-ups take between 60 minutes and two hours – depending on your needs:

The first follow-up consultation is usually after two weeks, thereafter you will usually be seen monthly, becoming more less often as your health improves.

Some people may benefit from long term herbal treatment in which case, you may be put on to repeat prescriptions. This means that you can order repeats as and when you need them without having to make an appointment each time.

If you are on repeat prescriptions, it will be necessary to assess you from time to time e.g every six months. Herbal prescriptions are adjusted and tweaked as progress is made and reduced as appropriate. Your treatment will be continually monitored and you will often be referred to your G.P for specific tests.