MBS sessionsMBS stands for Mind, Body, Spirit Consultation.
Specifically tailored for people who are facing serious disease. However, these sessions are also appropriate for anybody who wants to address deep-seated issues and resolve core-conflicts which may be undermining health and wellbeing.

Combining Herbal Medicine, Craniosacral Therapy, EFT, PSYCH-K and Matrix Reimprinting.


An MBS session is suitable for people travelling from outside Bristol who want to make the most of their time, as well as those who feel the need to make an impact on their situation quickly.

Please book early as there is normally a waiting list.


MBS Consultation is a 4 hour session
costs £580

The first part deals with the physical aspects

  • A full case history will be taken and any relevant examinations carried out including your urine and saliva will Ph tested.
  • Using kinesiology, you will be assessed for the herbs and supplements most suited to you.
  • If relevant, you will learn about the healthiest way to eat  for your particular circumstances.
  • You will also learn about the importance of coffee enemas and rectal implants and how to do them if this is relevant.
  • You will have a physical assessment using CranioSacral therapy, which will also help to mobilise your healing resources.

The second part – the psychological, emotional and spiritual  aspects

  • We will together look a little deeper in to the emotional and psychological root- cause of your disease using PSYCH-K and Matrix Reimprinting.
  • We will deal with the ‘diagnostic shock’ and fear surrounding serious disease if this is relevant.
  • Having identified limiting beliefs, we will do PSYCH-K to transform them to beliefs which support maximum health and well being.

Generally the MBS is split in to a morning and an afternoon session with a 90 minute lunch break, during which Fiona formulates a plan of action for the afternoon in order to utilise the time in the most efficient way.

During the consultation, Fiona may prescribe herbs and supplements for you. These will be based on the case history and muscle-testing (Kinesiology). For example, they may be a combination of anti-tumour, hormone-regulatory and immune-stimulating, supporting digestive system as well as nervous system balancing herbs.

You may be recommended to do a cleanse such as a parasite cleanse, liver cleanse of kidney cleanse, for which the herbs and instructions will be provided.
You may also be recommended laboratory testing in order to get a clearer idea of your health situation

Please note that the cost of medicines and supplements are not included in the consultation price.

You will take away

  • Your personalised regime of supplements with details of where to obtain them.
  • A full resource list with addresses and contact details of various organisations and places to get further help specific for ‘serious disease’
  • Your herbal prescription
  • A list of recommended books, CDs, and DVDs
  • Your dietary suggestions, juicing and coffee enema instructions as appropriate
  • The realisation that anything is possible and the knowledge that bodies CAN heal!

We will also discuss the best kind of support to suit your needs

Most clients choose to have regular appointments to support them, which can be done both in person, by phone or on Skype. These may be weekly, fort-nightly or monthly depending on your requirements.

Follow-up Herbal Medicine consultations will normally be carried out at monthly intervals – your medicine will be changed from month to month.

Booking, Deposit, Refunds

Please visit the booking page and contact Fiona for possible dates. When your appointment has been provisionally booked, you will be sent  a ‘New patient questionnaire’. 
You will fill this in and and send it to Fiona along with with a non- refundable deposit of £200.  
Once this is done your booking will be confirmed.

Please note that in order to cancel your appointment, you will need to give at least forty eight hours notice or in the case of the MBS 4 hour session a week’s notice is required, or the whole amount is chargeable if fiona is unable to fill the slot at short notice.
So long as you are able to give at least a week’s notice, your full deposit will be transferred to another appointment or returned in full.

Over night Accommodation

If you need to stay in Bristol over-night,  you can try and book a room at Ferndale Mews B&B tel: 07508 204 322. It is an economical and well-run B&B, only 8 minutes walk from my practice.  (Most clients choose to stay there)